Описание Ножницы для живой изгороди электрические ComfortCut 600/55 Gardena 09834-20.000.00

The powerful hedge trimmer is particularly suitable for convenient trimming of medium-sized and large hedges. With its balanced weight, the hedge trimmer provides optimal manoeuvrability even for longer trimming jobs. The surrounding ErgoLine handle lies well in the hand in any cutting position, especially when cutting the side hedge sections. The trigger button can be easily operated in any position. Laser-cut precision blades enable efficient, fast and clean cutting of twigs and branches.

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Ножницы для живой изгороди электрические ComfortCut 600/55 Gardena 09834-20.000.00

  • Код товара: 09834-20.000.00
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 13 660.80 р.


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